My mother finally saw an orthopedic doctor after laying in a hospital bed for four days. He said she can leave tomorrow (Wednesday). She asked him about a hip brace and he just ignored her question. Okay....... The only condition was that she was to contact her surgeon for clearance to continue our vacation (as opposed to just going home now). I know what we are all thinking: How is her surgeon in Florida, five thousand miles and six time zones away, supposed to be able to meaningfully clear her for travel??
So we called Orthopedic Specialists (my T-Mobile international service is a lifesaver) and spoke to his nurse as Dr. Graves was in surgery. She also asked the same question we all just asked, and took my mobile phone number for Dr. Graves to call me back. He never called back, so we'll just assume all is well so she can get the heck out of that institution. Instead of a wheelchair, my mom wants to try a cane. It's more physically challenging, but less of a pain to deal with. (The hospital LOST her cane, so I'll be shopping for assistance devices tomorrow morning.) I actually want her to try trekking poles; they are very helpful for balance (which is a big issue for her), uneven terrain (Firenze is cobblestone hell), and they relieve stress on lower joints. I really like mine, which are, of course, at home.
We will be staying in Firenze until Friday morning. The hotel moved us to their apartment on Piazza della Signoria at a reduced rate due to the circumstances. There is good news and bad news. The good news: It is gorgeous! Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a terrace view to die for (see photo). The bad news: No lift. It is a "first floor" apartment, not ground floor, which means we have to climb 33 steps up to the first floor. The steps are a manageable height and split up into segments, but not practical for a hip patient. (What were they thinking? They weren't; it probably never occurred to them.)
We intend to subsequently travel to Napoli on Friday, and then hop on the cruise ship on Monday, Oct. 8th. Or hobble.
God Bless and try to enjoy the rest of your vacation. All looks well at the yellow house.